Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. – Romans 12:21
This verse can be used in decisions we make regularly, but in its simplicity, it is particularly germane to the decisions patients of our Eva Women’s Clinic make most every day.
Recently an18-year-old girl, let’s call her Ashley, came in with her mom very scared and nervous. She told Sonya, her advocate, she wanted to be a parent. Her mom was supportive of her decision, but the father was in jail and pushing her to have an abortion. She had an ultrasound and STD test. Being open to a spiritual discussion, the young woman joined Sonya in prayer.
Ashley’s results came back with her being around five weeks pregnant and testing positive for an STD. Five weeks is pretty early to provide much detail, so information was limited. Upon calling her to come back for another ultrasound and to be treated for the STD, they learned she had made an appointment with an abortion clinic. After discussion, and prayer, she agreed to cancel the appointment intending to parent. Yay God!
A few days later she came for the second ultrasound at which time she said the father of the baby was now out of jail and pushing her to abort causing her to switch back to being undecided. Pressuring from a partner is a powerful thing, especially when the mother-to-be is young. Our team went from feeling blessed to have saved a baby, to having to face the challenge of saving this life once again.
With a new day came another ultrasound and another reversal to wanting to parent. When a woman is waffling like this, we want to have her back for an ultrasound as many times as necessary for her to see her baby’s progression. A fourth was scheduled but she was a no call, no show. This was concerning because Ashley had always been responsive. Finally, after three tries they feared the worst. But Sonya was tenacious continuing to try to get a hold of her. Ashley finally responded learning she was able to get into an OB/GYN and sent a picture of the ultrasound from them. Her beautiful baby was a bit over 11 weeks by that time and doing great. Our team was overjoyed!
I’ll end with saying the fight is real. Eva is a team of incredible women who walk the line every day doing the Lord’s work to save babies. While Ashley was one of the more challenging patients, we know, and feel God’s hand in her journey every step of the way.
In Christ,