A message from Paula

In my new position here, I’m quickly learning to expect God to do big things in the lives of our clients. Each day, we’re blessed with story after story of the life-saving, life-changing work that you make possible with your support.

Let me share with you one such story of the friendship that’s developed over the years between one of our clients and our client services director, Erika Craig. Ministries are sometimes accused of being “hit and run,” meeting an immediate need, perhaps, but offering no real or lasting relationship-building. Here, nothing could be further from the truth.

Erika met the young woman seeking help when she herself was still an intern. That was ten years ago, when they were both expecting the now nine-year-old boys pictured—boys whom the moms refer to as “belly buddies.” A bond was formed that has only continued to strengthen with time.

“She was the first client that ever said ‘Okay, now let me pray for you’ after I prayed with her, recalls Erika. “She calls me sister.” The friends have continued to encourage one another over the years, as Erika grew into her current position with the ministry, and the client has grown in her ability to provide a safe and healthy home for her children.

I love this story. The longevity of their friendship touches me deeply. And I’m finding that our encounters with the dear families we serve provide opportunities like this one—to form real and lasting relationships in the family of God.

Galatians 6:2 challenges us to go beyond a hit and run” style of ministry, but to actually bear one another’s burdens. Who better could the Lord have introduced into the life of a struggling young mother-to-be than a fellow mother-to-be, experiencing the same joys and challenges of parenting? And I’m both impressed with, and grateful for, a staff willing to accept that calling to walk alongside our clients, even sometimes long after they are clients!

Yours in Christ,


Paula Mastroianni
Executive Director
The Pregnancy and Parenting Center

We have an opportunity to meet specific needs this family is experiencing. First, please pray as they are currently facing some serious financial hardships. And secondly. if you happen to have an unlocked iPhone that you no longer use, it would bless them beyond measure.
Thank you.